
It's like getting a

26-hour day.

When you let Thigbe manage your business' bills, we eliminate costly contracts and save your money without wasting time.

Who has TIME for that?

For most business owners, the things you don't have time for are costing you money and opening you up to hidden risk.

Surprise Bills

Lapsed contracts result in summer heat bills in the tens of thousands. Surprise!

Increasing Costs

Every renewal feels like you're getting pinched for more money.

Wasted Time

There are always higher priority objectives that move your business forward commanding your attention.


Most business owners worry that one of last year's mistakes will catch up and cost them big time.

When Thigbe Manages Your Bills, You Get:

Group Prices

Automatic Renewals

Group 4

Immediate Savings

Protection from Overpaying

Price Transparency

Your Time Back

We handle your bills so you don't have to.

  • 30 Years of Negotiating Experience
  • 100% Transparency in Pricing
  • 3,000+ Happy Customers
  • 35+ Partnered Charities

The "5 Seconds to Savings" Plan

  1. Send Us Your Bill

2. We Analyze your Bills

3. We Send You a Report

All you have to do is send us your bills.

1. Send Us Your Bills

The fastest and easiest way for you to get started is to just send us a copy of your bills.

 2. We Do a Risk/Savings Analysis

We immediately start analyzing your risk and look for savings opportunities.

3. We Send You a Risk/Savings Report

We compile our findings into an easy-to-read report. If you like what you see, we'd love to start the work of saving you money.

Don't just take our word for it - see what our customers have to say.

Let Thigbe Take Care of Your Bills for You

As a business owner, it feels like you'll never have enough time to complete your to-do lists. You have important things to be doing that actually move your business forward. Who has time to manage their bills? Let Thigbe manage your bills for you so you can save money and be protected from hidden risks in your contracts.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What happens to my bill when the weather takes a turn for the worse?

    No need to worry about rate spikes or surprise bills when the weather gets bad - we used fixed rates, always. With our company you can lock-in your electricity cost for up to 10 years at a time and know exactly what it will be even if there is an unseasonable storm that knocks down power lines in your area!

    No matter how hard Mother Nature tries with her powerful storms, we've got you covered. Our prices are set so they don’t increase even during periods of high demand like cold spells (or heat waves!), which means no big surprises from jumpy electric companies trying their best—and failing—to make money off increased energy usage by consumers.

  • My contract doesn't expire for several months. Can I still send my bills?

    Join today and never worry about changing providers again! When your contract expires, we'll select the best fixed rate for you. For some people, it's worth incurring an early termination fee if they are on a plan that is expensive enough to make up for all of the money saved in switching away from that provider.

  • I hate switching! How do I know I'm going to get a rate hike later?

    The process of switching providers can be difficult, time-consuming, and frustrating. There are dishonest companies out there who want to take advantage of you by confusing the issue or charging unnecessary fees. We are not one of them! Our company has a track record for being honest with our customers and putting their best interests ahead of profits - we always put quality service first at no extra cost to you.

  • When do I start paying Thigbe's monthly fee?

    If you have an existing energy contract, you won't start paying our small fee of $.004/kwh until your current contract expires and we switch you to a better one. If you don't have an energy contract set up yet, you won't pay our fee until your first energy bill.

  • Am I guaranteed 30% savings when I use Thigbe?

    Thigbe can get you lower rates on your energy bills by negotiating with energy companies to get special group rates for our customers. Depending on what energy suppliers are available in your area, we have been known to save customers between 20%-50% on their bills, with the average falling around 30%.

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